At Lomas, we specialise in the design and manufacture of cutting tools in all types of materials, whether for standard tooling or using customers’ drawings, samples or specifications.
All our cutting tools are manufactured using industry-leading methods and the highest quality materials. They conform to all required safety and quality standards.
Our products include:
DRILLS Aircraft / Armour Piercing / Burnishing / Bushing / Centre / Circuit Board / Core / Double Margin / Drill Reamers / Extension / Gun Barrel / Oil Feed / Pilot / Spade / Spotting / Spot Weld / Step / Subland / Through Coolant / Worm Pattern
REAMERS Bridge Chucking / Die Maker / Drill Reamers / Duplex / Hand / Jig / Line / Micro / Oversize / Pera Type / Pilot / Pipe / Shell / Step / Taper / Taper Pin
SPOTFACE COUNTERBORES Aircraft Type / Adapter / Back Spot Face / Bayonet / Carbide Tipped / Micro-Stop / Piloted / Pin Drive / Reverse Cutters / Threaded Shank / Up-face Cutters
COUNTERSINKS / RADIUS TOOLS Adjustable Stop / Aircraft Type / Centre Drill / Chamfer / Chatterless / De-Burr / Inverted Countersinks / Micro-Stop / Multi-Flute / Piloted / Pistol Drill / Radius Cutters / Rose Type / Single Flute / Stem Countersinks / Threaded Shank / Under-head Radius Cutter
SOLID CARBIDE / COMPOSITE TOOLING Brad Point / Burnishing Tools / Dagger Drills / Drills / End Mills / 8 Facet Point / Form Tools / Holesaws / Oil Hole Drills / One-Shot Drills / Port Tools / Pringle Bits / Reamers / Shear Bore / Slot Drills / Through Coolant / Tri-Flute
AIRCRAFT TOOLS Adapter Type / Camloc Cutters / Countersinks / Dagger Drills / Drivematics / Gun Barrel Drills / Hi-Lock / Holesaws / Micro-Shave / Micro-Stop / Pilot Reamers / Rivet Milling Cutters / Rivet Shave / Rivet Snaps / Skin Cutters / Spacematics / Spotface / Taperlock Cutters / Zepher Drills
SPECIAL / CUSTOMISED TOOLS Angle Cutters / Centre Drills / Concave / Convex / Deadlock Cutters / 3 Flute Cutters / Form Drills / Form Tools / Hobs / Milling Cutters / Port Contour Tools / Slab Mills / Spline Cutters / Tool Bits / Trepanning Tools / Valve Seating Cutters / Woodruff Cutters / ‘T’ Slot Cutters / PCD / CBN
All our drills are available in all grades of tool steels, brazed and solid carbides with various special tool coatings such as TiN, TiCN, TIALN, etc.
Further Information
We also offer extensive after-sales support. Our Technical Customer Service Department are on hand to answer any queries and requirements both before and after your purchase.
+44 (0)114 288 9444
Alternatively use our contact form to send an email.
We provide special grades of carbides, which offer better abrasion resistance and increased tool hardness to withstand high temperatures when cutting.