At a time when many businesses are cutting their budgets and postponing growth plans, we are delighted to count ourselves among those businesses who are bucking the trend.
Work on our new, 5000 sq ft unit is coming along nicely, and we hope to have it fully operational by the autumn.
This will be our third unit on Sheffield’s Orgreave Industrial Estate within a stone’s throw from the Advanced Manufacturing Park, and the plan is for this unit to be a dedicated grinding facility. With around 14 machines in total, it will offer services such as cylindrical grinding, thread grinding, form grinding and centreless grinding.
A small office, canteen, toilet facilities and a communications room, have also been built in the empty shell, making this a flexible, multi-use space.
Right now, the walls are being painted and multi-purpose industrial flooring is being put down, ready for the electrical and compressed air installation, which will be closely followed by the machines.
The new unit will provide us with more flexibility and room for growth as we continue to expand the company and our operations further in the future.